# Material Design Icons Material Design Icons are the official open-source icons featured in the Google [Material Design](http://www.google.com/design/spec) specification. ## What's included? * SVG versions of all icons in both 24px and 48px flavours * SVG and CSS sprites of all icons * 1x, 2x icons targeted at the Web (PNG) * 1x, 2x, 3x icons targeted at iOS (PNG) * Hi-dpi versions of all icons (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi) (PNG) ## Getting Started You have a few options for getting the icon set. ### Download the Zip Grab the latest [zip archive](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/archive/master.zip) of all icons. ### Bower Install the icons using the [Bower](http://bower.io) package manager. ```sh $ bower install material-design-icons ``` ### npm You can also find all the icons on [npm](http://npmjs.org). ```sh $ npm install material-design-icons ``` ## Structure ### Icons In general, an icon category (e.g `action`) will include the following directories, containing multiple resolutions of our icons. * 1x, 2x Web * 1x, 2x, 3x iOS * drawable hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi * svg Decide on the icon resolution required for your project and copy, then reference the icons you wish to use. ### Spritesheets Material Design icons come with SVG and CSS sprites for each category of icon we include. These can be found in the `sprites` directory, under the `svg-sprite` and `css-sprite` sub-directories. #### Using CSS Sprites To use a CSS spritesheet, reference the stylesheet for the icon category you wish to use, then include the icon definition in your markup. E.g: to use one of the play icons in `css-sprite-av`, we would do the following: Reference the stylesheet: ```html ``` Create an element which will use the icon as a background: ```html
``` Add a class referencing the `icon` spritesheet and specific icon `icon-ic_play_circle_outline_black_24dp`, which you can get from the above stylesheet. ```html
``` That's it! Don't forget to publish the corresponding CSS and SVG/PNG files when deploying your project. ## Usage Take a look at the included `index.html` file for a preview of all icons included in the set. You are free to use the icons in the way that makes most sense to your project. ## Licence All icons are released under an [Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) license.